Welcome to iPill

Making it easier to manage your NHS prescription medicines.

The iPill Pouches service means that you will get all your medication sorted into pouches for each dose, labelled with the date and time to be taken.

What happens next…

We are now acting on your request to become your nominated pharmacy.
That means that any prescriptions issued by your GP will be sent directly to us, instead of you having to go to a high street pharmacy. essays services reviews.com

Your Tasks

Order your prescription from your GP surgery as soon as possible to ensure we prepare your medication and deliver them to you in plenty of time. 
Once we have your first prescription we will manage the ordering and the repeats on your behalf.

Our Tasks

We let your GP know you are using iPill
We then optimise your medication to ensure you are taking your medication in the best possible way
We deliver your iPill Pack to your door with any additional prescribed items,
We Automatically Order your repeat prescription from the GP the next time you need it so you don’t have to!